Noroozi Obtains Rare Reversal and Remand At Federal Circuit
On May 22, 2019, the Federal Circuit issued a highly rare reversal and remand of a PTAB invalidity decision in an inter partes review proceeding. The decision ruled in favor of Noroozi PC's client Wireless Protocol Innovations, a division of Wi-LAN, with respect to a patent covering the management of communications between multiple client devices and a network controller. The PTAB had found the patent at issue to be invalid on two separate grounds, finding obviousness over one set of prior art and anticipation in view of another reference. But the Federal Circuit reversed the obviousness ground, finding that the evidence did not show that two key limitations of the claims were met. And it also reversed the claim construction underlying the Board's anticipation finding, remanding to the Board for further consideration in light of the correct construction. Read more at